The ability to breast feed will usually be compromised.

An inverted nipple is a condition where the nipple, instead of pointing outward, is retracted into the breast. For some people, the nipple will be temporarily protruded if stimulated, but in others, the inversion remains regardless of stimulus. Women and men can have inverted nipples.
Most people are usually happy to hear that there are surgical corrections that can be done to improve the nipple area. Inverted nipple repair is performed on nipples that have been inverted since birth or have become inverted due to breastfeeding or other trauma. Inverted nipple repair is a simple procedure that can be done in-office under a local anesthetic. The correction of inverted nipples can also be done in conjunction with a breast augmentation, lift or reduction.
Am I a candidate for inverted nipple repair?
Whether you nipples are inverted or retracted, you will benefit from the nipple repair procedure.
What causes inverted nipples?
The milk ducts leading to the nipple are shorter than normal and tight, pulling the nipple inward.
How is an inverted nipple repair preformed?
A small incision is made at the base of the nipple within the colored areola so the scar is hidden. Then the shortened ducts are either released or selectively divided depending upon the severity of the inversion to allow for nipple eversion. Small stitches are placed under the nipple to hold the nipple out in a projected position. A small bar will be positioned in the nipple to hold it in place and will be worn for a couple weeks.
Can an inverted nipple repair done at the same time as another surgical procedure?
Yes it can. The repair can be done at the same time as breast augmentation, breast lifts, breast reduction as well as tummy tucks or facial procedures.
What is the recovery?
When the procedure is done under local anesthesia you could be back to work and most your normal activities within several hours*. There is a mild amount of discomfort which is easily manageable*. You may take a shower the next day.
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