Acne affects 85% of people at some point in their life. Long after the acne is gone there may still be painful reminders of what was once there. Acne scars can greatly affect one’s self esteem. With acne scar reduction you can put your best face forward and leave the past behind.
Acne scars may present themselves as:
- Red or brown discolorations
- Small deep ice pick like marks
- Pock marks and box car scars ranging from small to large
- Hypertrophic or keliod
We Offer Many Different Treatmeant Options Including:
Excision and Subcision – Ice pick scars can be reduced using the punch graft technique. This involves removing the entire scar and suturing the healthy tissue together. The result is a much smaller, less visible scar without indention*.
Acne scars which are primarily discolored and/or a mild depression can usually be resolved with less invasive procedures to remove the discoloration and stimulate collagen production, building up the indented areas. Deeper scars will require surgical scar reduction.
Which treatment option is right for you? This will depend on the severity of your scars and your individual skin type. Many times several treatment options are combined to give optimal results.
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