An abdominoplasty is also known as a tummy tuck. It is a very common well liked procedure.
During a tummy tuck, excess skin and fat is removed from the lower abdominal wall. The remaining tissue and muscle of the wall is then tightened. The overall effect is a smoother, tighter stomach*.
Abdominoplasty is beneficial for any patient who has an over-hanging, protruding stomach. By far, the most common patients are women who have given birth and have lost the body shape they once had. In many post-partum scenarios, it can be difficult for a woman to regain her pre-pregnancy shape. Excess fat develops, and the skin of the stomach loses its natural elasticity.
A tummy tuck is ideal in this situation – it firms the skin, and removes the fat*.
There are three types of tummy tucks – a standard, mini, and liposuction abdominoplasty. The type used depends upon the degree of fat and sagging skin involved. Dr. Haupt will be able to determine which type of tummy tuck procedure is best for you only after an initial consultation.
If you have excess skin in your abdominal area that does not respond to exercise and isn’t retracting back please contact us today. Dr. Haupt has performed hundreds of tummy tucks and it happens to be one of his favorite procedures. Dr. Haupt and the staff will listen to your concerns, and thoroughly explain all aspects of the procedure to you.
What is an abdominoplasty?
Also called a “tummy tuck,” an abdominoplasty is a procedure used to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tighten the abdominal wall.
Who is a good candidate for a tummy tuck?
Anyone in good general health who has a large, overhanging stomach that does not respond to diet or exercise is a candidate for an abdominoplasty.
The most common candidate is a woman who has given birth and lost her pre-pregnancy shape.
How is a tummy tuck performed?
An incision is usually made at the lower portion of the abdomen. Fat and tissue are removed, the abdominal wall is tightened, and the incision is closed.
What results can I expect?
A smooth, flat stomach and taut skin*.
Will there be a scar?
There will be a scar, but it will be strategically placed so that it is not visible in most clothing or swimsuits. The size and location of the scar depends on the individual, how much work is required on him or her, and the type of tummy tuck performed.
What is the recovery time for a tummy tuck?
Most abdominoplasty patients will require about two weeks of acute recovery and will experience soreness for another week. The pain can be controlled with medication, if necessary.
What is the difference between the three types of Tummy Tucks? Standard tummy tuck:
Dr. Haupt makes an incision across the lower abdomen with muscle tightening and removal of most of the skin and fat below the belly button.
Mini tummy tuck
The incision is usually smaller with muscle tightening and removal of a portion of the skin in the lowest portion of the abdomen. Occasionally with some liposuction of the abdomen the bellybutton is lowered slightly.
Liposuction Abdominoplasty
Liposuction of the abdomen and the trunk area with removal of the skin similar to a standard tummy tuck. This includes muscle tightening.
Can liposuction be done at the same time?
Yes, but we recommend only one or two areas at the same time do to the effects liposuction has on the body.
How much does a tummy tuck cost?
The cost of the procedure can very from patient to patient, depending on their needs. The only way to determine an exact cost is to schedule a consultation, either in office, or online.
When inquiring about a price quote from another surgeon, please think about a few things:
1- Is the doctor a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon?
2- Where does the doctor do his surgeries? Is it in an accredited facility?
4- How long has the doctor been in practice?
5- Are there other fees after surgery?
6- How many post-op visits are included in the quote that was given to me?
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