Liposuction is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures available. It works best as a contouring procedure for the stubborn areas that are diet and exercise resistant.
The primary risks of any type of liposuction are skin dimpling and irregularities. Bruising always occurs, but a larger blood collection (hematoma) or fluid collection (seroma) can present itself. Most patient will experience some sensation loss but this is usually temporary. Blood clots and pulmonary embolisms are also risks but are rare. Patients should discuss their health history with the doctor prior to any procedure.
One or two areas can be done in the office operating suite but most procedures are done under general anesthesia in our operating room.
What is the recovery time?
This varies from patient to patient. Most will experience discomfort, bruising and swelling for the first few weeks. This is controlled with a compression garment that should be worn for up to 6 weeks post op. Most patients return to work within 3-5 days, depending on work activities and the areas treated.